The pressing question on everyone’s mind right now - what’s next? This pandemic has had an enormous impact on almost every single person worldwide, and even though some are getting vaccinated, others are still fighting for their lives.
Photo courtesy of Global Sojourns Giving Circle
While there were certainly countless life struggles for girls in Africa prior to the current situation, new factors have posed a plethora of challenges. A year ago, girls participating in GSGC clubs in Zimbabwe and Zambia were thriving. They were learning confidence, how to be themselves, and gaining aspirations for their promising future. Now, these girls are living even deeper in poverty and the only thought on their minds is where their next meal will come from.
One of my good friends who lives in Zimbabwe is truly an inspiration to me. This young lady welcomed us into her home when we visited for the first time. My entire family and several girls sat in her 2 room living space (which houses 8 people) as she stood proudly in front of us sharing her life story. She told about what she was like before she joined a GSGC club: a shy, quiet, unconfident girl. To anyone that knows this individual, this is hard to believe considering that now I would describe her as an outgoing, charismatic, confident woman.
Before coronavirus, she was excelling in school and going on to pass the exams that would allow her to move on to the next level of education. She had aspirations of attending university and dreams of becoming a pilot and she was on track to ultimately reach her goals. Now, because of the pandemic, this young woman has unfortunately fallen behind on her path to a successful future. At the moment, she spends almost all of her time working to make money. Every day she goes door to door cleaning homes for a mere $1 a day just so that she and her family can eat something for dinner.
So what does this mean? The pressing question and concern is how situations like this will forever affect the trajectory of the countless women in similar situations. A girl who a year ago had the motivation to become the next female superstar is now working as a maid with the sole mindset of how she can make money for themselves and their family. Is it possible to recover from a year of lost education and dwindling mental health? Only time will tell, but the progress is scary.
My friends at GSGC recently posted an excerpt written by Thuba and Pamela, both Girls Time club members, that powerfully shows the perspective of these girls.
Pictured on the left is Thubalenkosi Sibanda and on the right is Pamela Nyoni. Photos courtesy of Global Sojourns Giving Circle.
The horrific odour of death has been hovering like a mist. Numbers are turning into names, and names are the people we know. The pitiless stranger, coronavirus, has snatched the lives of our loved ones and inflicted pain in our hearts.
We now live in isolation. Mingling and gatherings are now forbidden. We no longer have a sense of unity. We wonder if we are ever going to escape such a catastrophe.
As if that is not enough destruction, we are supposed to be breathing air freely but now we are compelled to gasp under a mask. But then, what do we do? We just have to adapt.
The education system has been a mess. Sitting for final examinations without learning, not doing extra lessons, is so straining and depressing. Nevertheless, we have made up our minds to challenge the challenge.
After poetically voicing the challenges they are currently facing, these girls also write with gratitude and hope for the future.
The pandemic made us more creative. We have expressed our dexterity and ability to think outside the box during lockdown.
In my eyes, it is beyond impressive how strong these young individuals are even in the midst of so many challenges. There are numerous questions about their futures that none of us know the answer to as only time will tell. What I do know, however, is that these girls continue to act as strong individuals who are passionate about a bright tomorrow no matter the situation. Just as these girls voiced, we can conquer this challenge together. Even though there is still a long road to recovery ahead of us, it will make us stronger humans in the end and allow us to appreciate the things we take for granted!